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E-INGINST Electron Co,Ltd
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digital refractometer for salinity
Specification: z
Detail: Digital Refractometer for Salinity The DRS series are developed for measuring the concentration of ketchup, mayonnaise, pickle juice, salt water and brine. The DRS series proves themselves invaluable for agriculture, f...
hand-held refractometer for salinity
Specification: z
Detail: Hand-Held Refractometer For Salinity The RHS series are designed for testing the concentration of salt water and brine. Its triple scale provides a direct reading of the specific gravity and concentration £¨Parts per T...
hand held refractometer
Specification: 1
Detail: Hand Held Refractometer - Brix The RHB series is developed for working with sugar related liquids (fruit juices, soft drinks, wine), help monitor and control sugar concentrations in foods and beverages. Whether users ar...
digital refractometer
Specification: 1
Detail: Digital Refractometer for Salinity The DRS series are developed for measuring the concentration of ketchup, mayonnaise, pickle juice, salt water and brine. The DRS series proves themselves invaluable for agriculture, f...
abbe refractometer
Specification: 1
Detail: Abbe Refractometer 2WAJ This monocular ABBE instrument is designed for the measurement of refractive index(nD) and the average optical dispersion(NF-NC) of the tran***rent, the semitran***rent and the solid matter (mostly t...
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